I’m glad to announce the release of MRPT 1.0.2, which comes with a few bug-fixes, a new app (ReactiveNav3D-Demo), improvements in OpenGL rendering (better handling of lights) and a new SE(3) pose class to work in axis-angle notation.

See the complete list of changes here: https://docs.mrpt.org/reference/devel/changelog.html#1.0.2.

As usual, visit the MRPT download page for the list of available packages. Ubuntu users should be interested in the PPA repositories.

Any (good or bad!) feedback will be welcome in the forums or as an issue report, since it’s fundamental to keep MRPT improving with each release. read more

Quick FAQ:

  • Can I install “DAQmx Base” in a 64bit GNU/Linux OS?
    Yes; despite National Instruments’ lack of interest.
  • Can it be installed in Ubuntu / Debian?
    As far as I reached, only NI-DAK (the kernel driver), but not “DAQmx Base”. So, in short: you can’t.
  • Can I use it to compile my own C applications?
    Yes, but only as 32bit programs. Even in a 64bit OS.
  • Why can’t I build 64bit programs? Shouldn’t it be easy to provide 64bit libraries?
    Don’t know; ask NI.

1. Install NI KAL:

1.1. Prepare to build the kernel sources:

  • You need a few packages to compile NI’s kernel driver module. Open a console, and execute:
  • Find out which kernel module you are running:
  • Change the directory to the /usr/src/linux-[VERSION] directory, where [VERSION] corresponds to the currently running kernel version.
  • Run the following, replacing [VERSION] as corresponds to your system:

1.2. Install NI KAL

NI KAL is National Instruments’ Kernel Abstraction Layer (KAL). It is required before installing NI DAQmx Base or any other NI stuff.

  • Get the latest version, NIKAL 2.4 as of October 2013:
  • Extract the .iso file, for example, right-clicking on it and selecting “Extract”.
  • Say you have now NIKAL contents in ~/Downloads/NIKAL24. Open a console and run:

Accept the license and confirm the target directory to finish the installation:


  • Recompile the module kernel, with:
  • Reboot, as you are prompted to.
  • After rebooting, open a new console and check if the nikal module is correctly installed with:
    If you can see something like:
    then it is correctly setup and loaded. Great! Now for the next steps.

2. Install DAQmx Base

Installing DAQmx Base in a 64bit OS is not officially supported by NI, so a few extra steps are required. Here is the recipe:

  • Download the latest Linux version of NI DAQmx Base. As of October 2013, it is version 3.7, and can be downloaded from:

    For some obscure reason, there seems not to be one “central” web page where we can always get the latest version of DAQmx Base, or even knowing whether there exists a newer one. Sight.

  • Save the nidaqmxbase-3.7.0.iso file, for example to ~/Downloads.
  • Open a console in the download directory and extract the ISO contents into a new directory named “DAQmx”:

  • Before installing NIVISA, we must patch the INSTALL script because the .rpm has some errors:

  • Now, we can run the INSTALL script as root and NIVISA will get installed:

Screenshot from 2013-10-29 16:23:01 read more

copy-zeropoint_logo.pngAfter six months since the last stable release, we announce today the release of MRPT 1.1.0.

The main news are:

  • A new class and two apps for RGB+D visual odometry. See app page.
  • Support for new sensors: Point Grey Research’s FlyCapture2 cameras, XSens MT4 IMUs, and National Instrument DAQs.
  • Many improvements in the reactive navigator classes.

See the complete list of changes here: https://docs.mrpt.org/reference/devel/changelog.html#1.1.0.

As usual, visit the MRPT download page for the list of available packages. Ubuntu users should be interested in the PPA repositories.

Any (good or bad!) feedback will be welcome in the forums or as an issue report, since it’s fundamental to keep MRPT improving with each release. read more

Most important changes:

  • Public header files (.h) have undergone a serious refactoring to minimize unnecesary dependencies and reduce compile time and memory as much as possible. As a side effect, user code might need to add new #include<> lines. This change justifies the new minor version series 1.2.X.
  • MRPT now cleanly builds in clang and OSX.
  • Support for new camera drivers (OpenNI2, DUO3D).
  • Many bug fixes.
  • read more


    Good news everyone!

    We are delighted with the inclusion of MRPT in Google’s GSoC 2016. GSoC allows students to earn a few $1,000’s by doing what the love the most: coding in Open Source projects.

    What’s next?