Title: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods
Authors: Fernández-Madrigal, J.A. and Blanco, J.L.
Release date: 2012
ISBN: 978-1466621046
Pages: 497
Available in:
As mobile robots become more common in general knowledge and practices, as opposed to simply in research labs, there is an increased need for the introduction and methods to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and its techniques and concepts related to robotics.
=&2=& investigates the complexities of the theory of probabilistic localization and mapping of mobile robots as well as providing the most current and concrete developments. This reference source aims to be useful for practitioners, graduate and postgraduate students, and active researchers alike.
Erratum (last update: Feb 2017)
Errata location |
Says… |
Should say… |
Page 200, eq. (20) |
Remove all four minus signs. |
Page 405 |
Equations fpi(a,p) and its Jacobians |
Corrected versions are in section 4.2 of this techical report. |
Summary of contents
Part I: The Foundations of Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
CHAPTER 2: Robotic Bases
CHAPTER 3: Probabilistic Bases
CHAPTER 4: Statistical Bases
Part II: Mobile Robot Localization
CHAPTER 5: Robot Motion Models
CHAPTER 6: Sensor Models
CHAPTER 7: Mobile Robot Localization with Recursive Bayesian Filters read more