Application: rawlog-edit

Note: This is the HTML version of the program’s man-page.



rawlog-edit – Command-line robotic datasets (rawlogs) manipulation tool





Quick overview of a dataset file:

rawlog-edit –info -i in.rawlog

Cut the entries [1000,2000] into another rawlog file:

rawlog-edit –cut –from-index 1000 –to-index 2000 \

             -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Cut the entries from the beginning up to timestamp 1281619819:

rawlog-edit –cut –to-time 1281619819 \

             -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Generate a Google Earth KML file with the GPS data in a dataset:

rawlog-edit –export-gps-kml -i in.rawlog

Remove all observations named REAR_LASER”:

rawlog-edit –remove-label REAR_LASER -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Remove all observations not named REAR_LASER”:

rawlog-edit –keep-label REAR_LASER -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Convert all images to external storage mode:

rawlog-edit –externalize -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

rawlog-edit –externalize –image-format jpg -i in.rawlog \

             -o out.rawlog


rawlog-edit is a command-line application to inspect and manipulate robotic
dataset files in the rawlog” standardized format.

These are the supported arguments and operations: