Application: ReactiveNavigationDemo

See also: ROS package mrpt_reactivenav2dros

This GUI application displays a flat world where obstacles are described through an occupancy grid map and where the user can choose target locations for running reactive navigation simulations. The map can be changed to anyone supplied by the user, and all the options that determine the behavior of the navigation system can be as well modified by the user to experiment by changing values.

1. Description

This GUI application displays a flat world where obstacles are described through an occupancy grid map and where the user can choose target locations for running reactive navigation simulations. The map can be changed to anyone supplied by the user, and all the options that determine the behavior of the navigation system can be as well modified by the user to experiment by changing values.

To run a simulation, the button “Simulate” must be pressed after setting a target by right-clicking anywhere in the map. Note that when running for the first time the reactive navigation system will build a lookup tables required for real-time operation, which may take a few moments.

Note that navigation logs generated by this simulator (as well as from real robots) can be inspected with the program navlog-viewer.


2. Underlying classes

This application uses the following main classes from the MRPT C++ library:

The source code for this application is in the directory “apps/ReactiveNavigationDemo” in the MRPT root.


3. Videos