Application: rbpf-slam

It is actually a front-end to the class mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF. All the parameters to the algorithm are passed through a configuration file in the command line. The filter processes actions and observations from a rawlog file and optionally generates a number of files describing the evolution of the filter and the maps.

1. Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter SLAM (rbpf-slam)

It is actually a front-end to the class mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF. All the parameters to the algorithm are passed through a configuration file in the command line. The filter processes actions and observations from a rawlog file and optionally generates a number of files describing the evolution of the filter and the maps.
The mathematical background of RBPF-based SLAM and to see an updated list of the implemented RBPF-SLAM solutions can be found in this tutorial page.


2. Program usage

”rbpf-slam” is a command-line application which processes a rawlog (thus, it is intended for off-line processing) and
creates a map using the particle filter methods specified in the config file.

Example configuration files can be found in: